Monday, May 14, 2012

reflections on the first weeks of pregnancy with baby #2

-morning sickness hit hard literally the day after I took the test, though I'm managing it a bit better than my last pregnancy. hoping it ends quickly so I can function again.
-it never ceases to amaze me how much one tiny little pea-sized baby can affect my bladder so dramatically.
-cravings are also in full swing, and are similar to my last pregnancy: anything mexican, watermelon, chips & dip, waffles, and ice cream cake to name a few ;)
-I fully expected to be thrown on bed rest or given all sorts of restrictions right away, but so far I've been told to treat this pregnancy as normal, and I will just be monitored more closely. There may be some adjustments made in the second trimester, but I am SO THANKFUL I can still take care of my son, travel, and do everything I normally do (while still being cautious of course).
-I think judah suspects things are changing, but the true test will come after the baby is here. I predict some jealousy and obvious adjustments, but I think in time he will become an loving and protective big brother :)
-judah and baby will be 26 months apart, though they were conceived exactly two years and two weeks apart ;) ...that was unplanned but sort of cool how God worked that out!
-we get to see the baby on Wednesday! I've never had an early ultrasound, so I am excited and hope we can hear a strong heartbeat, and witness such a tiny miracle of life :)
-incredibly blessed and thankful for God growing our family, and we're trusting in Him for a healthy full-term pregnancy and a safe labor/delivery in His perfect timing! please be praying with us that things go a bit smoother and less traumatic this time around. we would love to ease into being a family of four without complications. :)

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying that your second pregnancy is boring and uneventful. :-)
