Display in the new waiting area |
I got tears in my eyes during the grand opening of the new building at the kids therapy center,
Midland children’s rehabilitation. They had put a permanent picture display in the waiting area and I was surprised to find a photo of Brielle prominently placed! The staff here love on her and care for her in more ways than I can understand. I’m so so thankful that God brought us out here to west Texas, not even knowing anything was abnormal about my then-six-month-old daughter... and how invaluable and crucial this place and these people would be for her.
But HE knew. ❤️
Brielle with her Physical Therapist, Brooke |
Brielle is still our happy wild little girl. She speed-walks from room to room, and looks people in the eyes with wide excitement, speaking a whole volume without a single word. She’s getting more proficient at comprehension and following basic instructions like, "Time to eat, go to your highchair." or "Where is your toy? Go pick up your toy."
Custom gates Jonathan built! |
Jonathan built custom “Brielle proofing” gates for the kitchen, as a safety precaution. She’s getting taller and entirely too curious. And I don’t have the money to replace all my dishware that she’s constantly pulling off the counters! Part of her genetic abnormalities include no awareness of danger, and the kitchen is full of those dangers. Necessity births ingenuity, thank you handy daddy to the rescue!
Love how much she is smiling these days! |
In other exciting news, Brielle is on the waiting list to do a 30-day trial for an eye gaze communication device. If that sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, it pretty much is. She will look at pictures on a screen, and the device’s camera will track her eye movement to detect which picture she is preferring. It will then “speak” that word for her! If she does well for the trial and seems ready for it, we will pursue purchasing one to give Brielle a voice. Pray she is ready to understand and engage appropriately, as this could be a huge milestone towards more independence and understanding of her needs and who she is! It would be wonderful to “hear” my daughter speak her own thoughts!
This beautiful girl continues to teach me so many things. It's hard to believe she will be five years old in December! I find myself daily looking at her in awe of how wonderful of a gift she is to me, and I can not imagine life without her.
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