Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Introducing Obadiah Tack (and his birth story)

So I'm not going to apologize for forgetting about this blog for a while. Hey, when you're busy with life and kids and then get pregnant... that's just what happens! So let's just pretend we know all about the past year and a half and skip to the good part of introducing our newest son ;)

 The Birth Story of Obadiah Ransom Tack

Since the moment we found out we were pregnant, I knew this baby would be my “wild card”. Everything about the pregnancy, delivery, and infancy has been different from my first two children.
We need to rewind to understand why.
In 2010 Judah was my micro-preemie at 25 weeks via emergency c-section. I went into preterm labor with no warning, thankfully holding on long enough for 'viability' (I don't care for that term). Even though he spent three months in the NICU, he has been my easiest baby. Although part of that may have something to do with getting on a good sleep schedule at the hospital.
In 2012 Brielle was my 39 week 6-hour natural labor VBAC baby. Everything went easily, though I was on bedrest for several months (and had a cervical cerclage to prevent preterm labor again). The birth was fairly quick and intense but calm and peaceful. Infancy was more challenging due to her genetic condition (that was unknown at the time), but she is much easier now.

So, six years later, and now in Texas, I wasn't sure what to expect with this baby. We chose not to find out the gender this time, and struggled a lot with our boy name! We didn't settle on Obadiah until about a month before he was born. Morning sickness and general feeling icky lasted far longer this pregnancy. I had another cervical cerclage but our doctor felt confident that I did not need bedrest. I'm very glad for that—although many days I ended up in bed anyway.

Scheduling a pilot around a natural birth was a little unnerving. I'm thankful Jonathan was not on a trip when I went into labor! We decided to fly Jonathan's mom out right before I turned 38 weeks.

36 weeks

She flew in on a Wednesday night (the same day I had my cerclage removed), I had a few hours of false labor that Friday morning. I was chugging the raspberry leaf tea, bouncing on the birth ball, and even light bouncing on the trampoline through the weekend. Anything to get baby moving! Sunday morning, March 3rd 2019, I was sleeping and dreaming that I heard a “pop” sound. I thought to myself (in my dream), “huh, I wonder if that could have been my water breaking?” I woke up shortly after at 7am to discover a bit of wetness in my pants... followed by a stream of fluid when I went to use the bathroom. Oh my, I think that really was my water breaking! I got myself dressed, and realized how quickly contractions were already coming--about 3 minutes apart. Woke up Jonathan and Mary at 7:20, then I texted my doula and our friend Jan (who took pictures), and told them we were heading to the hospital. No laboring at home this time either! My kids like to come in a hurry! Before I left, I said goodbye to Judah, who insisted he be woken up before we went to have the baby. We arrived at the hospital by 8:30am and contractions were already enough to stop me and breathe through. They felt more intense probably due to the lack of cushion from the water bag. I stood at the nurses station for 10+ minutes waiting for a room. They weighed me and asked a million ridiculous questions. All while I was obviously in active labor. My doula showed up and I tried to get comfortable. I will spare all the details of the obnoxious and rude hospital staff during my labor and delivery, but I will say it was a stark contrast from Brielle's quiet and peaceful labor. I don't think they took my labor seriously.

My doula was amazing, talking me through my contractions which were one on top of another with less than a minute in between to recover. It was a more intense labor than my last one and I struggled to breathe and stay calm and in control. We had worship music playing, and I found myself praying often for God's strength to sustain me. I ignored all the circus of intrusive nurses and doctors and just focused on my doula. I labored mostly on my hands and knees, but was on my back for some of the pushing. I thought at one point the baby was crowning, but when I asked, the doctor just shook her head no. That was a bit frustrating. It wasn't feeling right and I was getting frustrated, so my doula suggested I switch back to hands and knees which felt much better. After about 20 minutes or so, I was on my back again and in a few more pushes, baby was out and immediately crying! He was born at 10:39am, just two hours after being admitted at the hospital. I think switching to hands and knees again periodically helped get him in a better position.

I felt so relieved to be done because it was the hardest thing I've ever experienced. At one point I heard someone say it was a boy, but I had to ask again to be sure I heard right! I was just so glad he was here and that labor was over! Jonathan had tears in his eyes after seeing his son for the first time. My first observation is how much hair he had! After a few minutes, Jonathan cut the cord and I nursed him skin-to-skin. Those first moments were precious. 

We waited to announce gender or name to anyone until after Mary brought the kids. I wanted Judah to be the first to hear that he had a brother (he knew the whole time it was a boy—even had dreams of the baby being a boy!). 
Then we told them his name: Obadiah Ransom Tack. Obadiah means “Servant of the Lord”, and Ransom after a character in the CS Lewis space trilogy, but most importantly Ransom meaning that Jesus paid the ransom for our sins! He weighed 6lbs 9oz and 18.5” long. I have been cherishing every minute with this sweet baby because I now have greater perspective of how fleeting these moments are—even the middle of the night every two hour waking up and crying... even the nursing around the clock days. They are worth it.

The prayers of many were felt during Obadiah's birth. Three hour fast and furious labor! It was crazy and intense but so good and I felt the presence of God in that delivery room, and His peace amongst the chaos and pain. We are thankful for another precious gift of a second son!


With full and grateful hearts,
Jonathan, Charisma, Judah, Brielle, and "Obi" Obadiah

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